Thursday, 18 February 2010

Unlucky for some.....

I have just arrived back in the studio after lunch and I have had the most eventful morning ever!! It all started very well until I went for my morning break and my yoghurt had burst all over my bag and my sketchbook, my laptop bag and my ipod... so I spent a good 15 mins stealing napkins from the cantina and wiped up my mess! I then came back to the studio where I printed off my giant receipt in several A2 sheets and printed one off wrong so had to re-print it, I then stuck it together wrong and THEN I stood on it!! I thought to myself surely it can't get much worse than this.... boy was I wrong. I got home for my lunch to discover I had left my keys in the studio, so had to walk to the landlords and get the master key, then walk back with it then into the flat to discover when I opened my bedroom door, I didn't need my keys I had already cleverly packed everything into my bag this morning!! So I sat down watched some loose women and headed back to class but on the journey I walked past the butchers and a whole dead pig was hanging from the back of the open van, which made me nearly throw up in the street and I then nearly walked straight into a lamppost, so I have come into the studio sat down and haven't touched a thing!!

But on a better note my pictorial narration is now finished!! Finally, my desk is overrun by 7 A2 sheet's of shopping receipt and looking not too bad, and I handed in my flash project for the new V&A that's coming to dundee so that's now 2 projects down and 2 to go.

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