Semester two is now well under way and I have to say I am not enjoying it one bit! I had such a great family holiday away over christmas and a nice relaxing time at home (minus all the burst pipes I came back too, but that's a whole different story!) now I am back in dundee and I feel like I haven't stopped! And there is just project after project after project!
My first project this term was to read over the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and create a pictorial narration of the story using a visual language, at first I re-read the brief over and over gain thinking how the heck am I going to do that?! The first thing that 'springed' to mind was lots of little baked beans jumping up and down and dancing around, but I soon realised this was a daft idea so started doing some brain storming......
I came up with a list of all the key points in the story and after haven written down beans, giant and eggs it started to look like a shopping list... with green GIANT sweetcorn (incase your wondering) so my idea was to re-create a shopping list of all the items a giant would buy and try and tell the story through key points and hints on the actual till receipt.

This is as far as I have got so far so I have done a few mock ups of what I want my store logo to look like and the layout of my receipt, so its just time to get in into indesign and find a really really really LARGE printer to print my GIANTS receipt!
The second project we received was to create a broad sheet to show something interesting about a particular fruit, vegetable of plant. I got blueberries and so far I have come up with the idea of a blueberry being a 'star' fruit as the blossen end of each berry is inthe shape of a perfect five point star, and how they are a native fruit to North America. I have also been playing around with several layouts of my final broadsheet (which is due this tuesday!!) and I seem to be getting somewhere with it, just have to add all the finishing touches and hopefully when its done that's 1 down and only 3 left to go!

The final two projects are both computer based, the first is to design a new app for the iPhone, but apple are just so damn clever they have designed everything humanly possible for a phone to ever do, or so I thought.....
Being a poor student I live in the typical old, high ceilinged, freezing cold flat and can't always afford to put my heating on (awww what a shame eh?!), anyway when I do get around to putting my heating on it is all controlled on a token meter, which means I have to go to the post office with my card and top up similarly to how you top up a phone, so I thought why not create an app that allows you to top up your gas and electricity without needing to go out of the house? There are countless times I have gone to class and forgotten to take the card with me, so this way it would mean I would never be without the ability to top up ever again! I discussed this idea with my tutor and after a little brainstorming and combining several of my ideas together we came up with an idea to link my design with the weather and have your iPhone tell you when its going to be really cold, and perhaps say to you to top up more tonight on your gas its going to be a cold on or something to that effect...
The final project is in conjunction with the new V&A museum that is being built here in Dundee. There is an architecture competition for the design and build of the museum itself and we have to design a website banner that either advertises the competition to architects or to generate interest in the project as a whole. I have decided to look at generating interest for the museum, and after some research and having been to the V&A myself I know that it is a highly thought of and well respected museum of art and I appreciate the work held within. However, I don't believe the city of Dundee to be, well let's just say as sophisticated as to have such a wonderful gallery so to get all people for all walks of life in and around Dundee I thought to use the iconic symbol for Dundee of Desperate Dan to get the people interested. Just to show that it is a museum for everyone and not just lovers of art and design. This is only my first idea and I haven't got any layouts or thoughts about how the banner itself is going to function, so I am going to run my idea past my tutor tomorrow and see what he thinks, but for now I have my tag line that reads "Even Dan goes to the V&A."

So as you can see it's been a busy first few weeks back at DOJ and my mind is definitely back in the graphic design mode and I think I have plently of work to be getting on with and to be keeping me busy for the weeks to come.....
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