Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Is graphic design for me?

I have often wondered if graphic design is really for me? Do I have my heart and soul in it? Or would I be better suited in a more ‘academic’ subject?!

I am a bit of a geek, I love maths I love computing I have looked several times at changing to studying maths and computing – still in Dundee, I think I’ve settled here and I like it but I don’t feel settled in my course yet.

Maybe that’s just what it is, I haven’t settled into the way of working or having so much work to do at once, the general course was easy, laid back and if you couldn’t do a certain part it didn’t seem very important – for me as long as I done my graphic design blocks well I was happy.

I have always been so sure I wanted to do graphic design, all the way through school and general course until now and all of a sudden I’m not so sure. I want to do something with maths, something with numbers and computers but I want to stay in design because I know that I love it and I want to enjoy my job, when I get one, I want to go to work and get something from it rather than sitting in a dead end job pushing pencils all day.

Had a good discussion about this earlier today in my first seminar of 2nd year and have been thinking all afternoon about how I am going to over come this problem. How am I going to combine my maths with my design? My computing with my design?

Maybe when I get to do some more self directed work and get the chance to create my own unique style and way of working it will just come to me. Perhaps all I need is time to figure it out, whilst doing what seems to be the most unrelated project to graphic design – researching all about cooking and eating rabbit?! I have no idea how this is going to help me become a graphic designer but I trust the staff that something beneficial is going to come from it!!

But for now I think I need to decide what I want to do, move to maths and computing or stay in graphic design and figure out how I am going to unite the 3 together and hopefully come up with some designs and ideas that will change how other people view the world of design and show the ‘geeks’ that you can still be academic and enjoy it at the same time!

The latter is starting to sound more appealing by the minute, maybe graphics is for me? I think I will just stick it out for now and see! Who knows what i may come up with....

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