Friday, 20 November 2009

Music and its influences

Sitting in class this afternoon i was beginning to lose my patience with my web design, i had a slight sizing problem in flash and had to go through a grand total of 72 photos and resize them from 291x277 dpi to 300x300, and if I see the number 300 one more time......

I am usually quite a patient person and I have alot of time for technology as I believe it is our future and if we are to get anywhere these days you'd better know how to use a computer, but as I was sitting today Friday afternoon 5 o'clock after a very long week I was starting to get to the end of my tether and the only thing I knew that would cheer me up would be to listen to my all time favourite ablum on my ipod..... this I am not going to share with everyone!
Whilst working away listening to my music the time soon flew in and before I knew it, it was ten to six and I had FINALLY managed to complete my tedious photo editing, I packed up my stuff and headed home after feeling like I had had quite a productive evening.
This weekend is my first weekend alone in my flat and I am going to use it wisely as I have no distractions and plenty of deadlines to attend to, so I got home dumped my bag and loaded up itunes, but as I sat in my quiet room listening to the same album as before I began to feel a little home sick and not quiet as inspired as earlier. This album is also one of my dad's favourites so is played alot when I am back home and it got me thinking of how no matter what the song the situation you are in when listening to it alters how you feel about it. When I am busing about and trying to complete a task it seems to give me some 'get up and go' and gets me moving but when I am sitting alone with my thoughts it seems to dampen my spirits a little.

This then made me think of something said in a lecture I had last week all about WW1, my tutor was playing a series of war time posters with backing tracks and we were asked to jot down our original thoughts on the posters. Firstly was German and Russian posters with harsh sounding music then followed by British which was accompanied by some jolly patriotic music. This divided the views all the students had about the posters, even though both were putting across the same message.

Music plays such a vital part in the way we perceive things, it's like the adverts for sick children and animals on the tv they are accompanied by sad, soppy music which in turn makes you feel bad and sympathize with the problem. Although these situations are bad and unfortunate the advertisers are using very clever yet simple techniques to get you to part with your money!

All of this is part of the world of advertising and manipulation for retailers to get you to do and buy exactly what they want! A very effective tool if you ask me, a little unfair perhaps, but that's what this business is all about.

I always knew about music in advertising being so influential but I never realised how much of an effect the same song can have on you depending on your situation..... well I have now discovered my trick, getting my ipod out when a design problem arises, and being a productive worker/designer so no more excuses!!

1 comment:

  1. You know if you need to change a lot of images you have two options: 1) on a Mac set up an Automator workflow (Automator is in the applications folder) or 2) in Photoshop set up a script (or "action") or use the automate workflow option under the file menu...

    However, while it's okay to shrink images it's never a good idea to enlarge them unless the resulting resolution is okay. An image at 291x277 at 72dpi will be okay enlarged to 300x300, but anything too big will make the image blurred or low-res...
