For the first assessment for semester two we were asked to take an individual learning style test to see which mode or particular style of learning we come under and whether we agree or disagree with the findings. My results showed I was a strong Activist, moderate Reflector, strong Theorist and a very low Pragmatist. After reading through the descriptive paragraphs I believe myself to be more of a reflector, because although I do have the "I'll try anything once" philosophy I'm not a person who acts first and considers later. I like to approach problems with caution and think about all the aspects before coming to any rash decisions. However I still like to play an active role in team meetings/discussions unlike the description mentions. Therefore I think I am 'multi-modal' and able to switch between the two different learning styles. My results also showed strong in Theorist and I believe this to be one hundred percent spot on! I do think very logically, take all things into consideration and I am also a perfectionist when it comes to learning. I like to make sure everything fits where it should, it all makes sense and figure out a solution.
Then as part of the assignment we had to meet with our design studies groups to discuss our findings. We also had to have a guess at what mode we thought each member of our team would fit. Taking the four girls in order I had Sally down as an Activist and from her findings this was true however she felt in herself that although the learning part of the activist mode was ok she doesn't like to take charge like stated. Maxine, I guessed at being a Reflector/Theorist which again was coherent with her findings of very strong for Reflector and strong for Theorist. She however believed her findings where completely right and believe exactly what the test results showed. Nicola I also guessed at being an Activist/Theorist, I got one part correct as her results showed very strong for Activist and very low for Theorist. She however thought that she had slight trates of an Activist but she believe herself to be more of a Reflector which was very contradicting with her results. And finally Jianru I thought to be a Reflector but her results showed to be very interesting as she was very strong in Activist, Reflector and Theorist and low in Pragmatist, however she thought of herself as more of a Activist.
After discussing all our findings we have discovered the dominant mode of our team is Activist, with 3 very strongs a strong anf a moderate, and the least is Pragmatist with 3 very lows one low and a moderate. Apart from these two extremes with Activist and Pragmatist we do have a balance over the other two modes and believe our group is very well balanced out and that if there is someone lacking in one area we have someone else who can help hold the fort. We then chatted about what qualities we admire most in others that we find challenging and the funny thing was after our results showed us to be mostly Activists no one really agreed so the one quality we all admired is an Activist who is able to stand up and talk to a large group ad just made decisions there and then and go for it! One other girl admired Theorists who are very good at planning and organizing everything.
Monday, 24 January 2011
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